Monday, January 14, 2008

Photo Manipulation Gone too Far!

Photo Manipulation has gone too far! Photo manipulation happens a lot now and it’s either manipulating a person body or face or even features on your face.

Photo manipulation has a negative impact on women because when women see themselves in a mirror they can probably identify the many bad qualities about them and that they can look better because of the people who manipulate images in magazines make them look so perfect. This might even make woman think about plastic surgery, just to make them look like how everyone pictures them. Some woman don’t like photo manipulation because sometimes they make them looks like something they aren’t like to skinny or make their breast bigger or smaller and etc...When you’re just young kids looking at a magazine it doesn’t really occur to us that people would do that to a photograph because when they choose a model for their magazine. Would they not choose a model that is perfect so they wouldn’t have to do anything to the photos? I feel it is wrong to do that because it makes the person feel that they are not right and that they have something wrong with them that they can go get fixed by plastic surgery. I definitely think photo manipulation has gone too far because they over do it. They are making woman look like Barbie dolls.

The time Magazine darkened O.J Simpson’s photo and they were trying to make him look like a look like a threatening person who is dangerous. Just making the picture darker it makes Simpsons look scarier. If you compare the Time Magazine and the News Week Magazine photos O.J looks like an innocent person in the News Week Magazine. Just manipulating the photo makes a person look totally different and so many people can tell his two different personalities just by the colour and lighting change. I think this manipulation was racist because the editors or whoever manipulated his photo knew that if they make a person look darker they will look like a murderer. When person is murdered and a black man is involved in the incident people would most likely accuse the black guy because he’s black, and this is a stereotype. A person who has a different race, religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background will probably find some pictures racist because they are always stereotyped for specific things and if they see another person in a magazine being stereotyped they will probably notice that.

Here is a picture of Katie Couric. She became the first woman head anchor and as you can see in the picture people really didn’t care about if she was the first woman head anchor. They mostly cared about how she looked so in one of the pictures they made her skinny. Katie Couric said she liked the first picture better and here is a quote directly from her, “I like the first picture better because there’s more of me to love.”

Work Cited

"Basic Photo Editing Concepts." 8 Jan 2008

Karen, Cheung. "News, Guides, Tips ." CBS Makes Katie Couric 20 Pounds Thinner in Photo. 2006. 8 Jan 2008

"TVNEWSER." CBS Comm. Dept. Slimmed Couric Down. 29 August. 8 Jan 2008

Weight Factor for Girls

People think being skinny is a good thing but it’s not. You’re not healthy and you are putting your life in danger because you don’t eat enough.

Mostly celebrities and models follow this pathway because they want to look perfect and skinny. They want to look presentable and don’t want to be on a magazine with a headline that says they are fat. If they do appear on the magazine where it says they are fat they will probably go on a diet and become so skinny which I think is pointless.

In my opinion, I think people who go on diets and go over board are absolutely crazy because okay you want to lose weight but you get obsessed with it and lose so much weight and then you probably want to gain it back because you look like a skeleton. Basically, there is not point of going on diets and plus media is always going to criticize celebrities about everything so they should just ignore it.

Teenagers who look through magazines and see so many celebrities losing weight, it sort of influences them to look at themselves and think they are fat and that they should do something like that.

Some examples of celebrities that were anorexic are Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan, and Mary-Kate Olsen and there are tones more. Some celebrities lose a tremendous amount of weight like Hilary Duff she was normal and healthy girl when she was little and use to use to be in her own TV show “Lizze McGuire.” I guess as she grew older and was surrounded by other celebrities she thought she was to lose weight and look like other girls. You can tell the difference between her now and when she was younger. I still think she looks good but maybe a little too skinny.

There is was a picture of Nicole Richie when she got extremely skinny and you can see it on the left side of this article. As you can see they are comparing two pictures, the time she was healthy and when she got so anorexic. This first time I saw this picture I couldn’t believe it because she was so skinny and it was just hard for me to believe. The picture they were comparing her with, the one she actually looked like she has some fat in herself, looks much better than the anorexic one. If she was to look at these pictures, would she not think she looked better when she actually looked healthy?

Work Cited

"Pop Sugar." Nicole Richie Is not Anorexic. 8 August 2006. 14 Jan 2008