Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Which One Will You Choose?

Newboy created this Barbie because the other Barbie’s wore revealing clothes and gave the wrong message to young girls. This Barbie they created is known as “Fulla” and she is covered head to toe and she wears a Hijab. This is a very cultural Barbie which shows the religion of the Arabs. People want to buy this Barbie because it gives the right message out to young girls who play with dolls. It teaches them about culture and what they do in Arab culture and how its might be very different from everybody else but it is still unique. Parents don’t want a Barbie who is wearing short skirts and tones of make-up because it sets a bad example for young children. Some parents want a Barbie that will teach their children about culture and that’s where Fulla comes in. Shahira Kashlan is a parent who was happy with the Fulla Barbie and she said, “Her clothes don’t expose.” Since November 2003 they sold 1.5 million Fulla Barbie’s. Young girls who play with the normal American Barbie’s probably look at them and say that they want to be like that. When they get older they will probably want to wear make-up and wear those small skirts and carry around purses. The Fulla doll gives a positive message than the American dolls. I think it was a good idea to create this Barbie because it gives the right message out and it is very different from all the other Barbie’s and that’s why it makes it unique.

Work Cited

El-Jeiroudi , Diana. "Cinema Wihtout Borders." Diana El-Jeiroudi talks about “Veiled Barbie Dolls”. 2007. 8 Jan 2008 http://www.cinemawithoutborders.com/news/127/ARTICLE/1327/2007-07-25.html.

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