Sunday, January 13, 2008

Asians Addiction to Surgery

Eye widening has become popular for Asian culture. The first thing Asians notice is their eyes when they look at themselves. They feel that by getting eye widening surgery will make them look more attractive and then their eyes will look like every other person.

I think this surgery is pointless. Paying about $2,500 to $5,000 just to get your eye widened to look like everybody else is not necessary. You look the way you do for a reason and you should accept it. Everybody has something unique about themselves and they should not go change it just because they want to be like everybody else.

I don’t think when you get surgery it makes a difference. I think the eyes look exactly the same. On the other hand, the people who actually get the surgery done know they got the surgery and think their eyes look much better.

People are influenced by other people to get this surgery. If someone in your family got it they will probably tell you to get it done or you will probably want to get it done because you think it makes your eyes look better. Friends can also be another factor for getting this surgery done.
"All my Korean friends had it done just because they wanted bigger eyes," she says. Han, now 18, was encouraged by her grandmother, her mother, and her aunt, all of whom she describes as having naturally large eyes. "Before I got mine done, we used to look at Korean magazines or TV, and all the Korean actresses had big eyes or had had it done. They think it's prettier," she says.

People waste their money on getting this surgery. It’s just so pointless, you should accept the way you are and just live with it. All those other Asians who don’t get the surgery done have to live with their eyes like that and they have no problem doing that, then why do other Asians? Looks aren’t everything. It makes the person who got it done feel better inside because then they can go around saying they got it done but I believe you can’t even tell the difference. They also think they look prettier and more attractive when they get the eye surgery done but changing yourself and your facial features just to looks more attractive and prettier is just a stupid reason. As I have said before, you should just accept the way you are and by yourself and everybody will like you. People don’t look at your eyes and say, “oh yea you need to get your eyes widened because you don’t look attractive or pretty.” People don’t notice those kinds of things, they notice your personality and like you for that.

I just think people shouldn’t waste their time doing surgery, they should just accept they way that are and be who they are not try to look or be like something they aren’t.
Work Cited
Dotinga, Randy. Caucasian Eye for the Asian Gal? . 5 December 2006. 13 Jan 2008

Scheidnes , Jean . "Fashion Windows." Asian Community Has Double Vision of Eyelid Surgery . 6 March 2000. 12 Jan 2008

"The Asian Eyelid Surgery Center." Frequent;y Asked Questions . 2006. 13 Jan 2008

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